Training and development are available to all associates. Training begins on your first day with the Exchange, regardless of your job. Our robust onboarding program helps the Exchange and associates thrive. Your learning will occur on the job and in a variety of venues. Depending on your job, you may have a formalized job training plan or curriculum designed to learn the specifics of your position. Suppose you work in a technical area of the store, where product knowledge is crucial to your success. In that case, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of industry-led product knowledge training. We want you to be successful, so product training is at your fingertips.
As your development progresses, you can take advantage of learning opportunities via teleconference, virtual training or classroom. More advanced strategy and critical thinking skills training may be available through our employee development program or other leadership programs.
Are you interested in pursuing a degree or advanced degree and eager to apply that knowledge to your job? We are there for you. The Exchange offers tuition reimbursement to high-performing associates developing their careers with the Exchange. Whatever your career goals are, we have the training and development programs to help you succeed.

The Exchange is an Equal Opportunity Employer